Do I Really Need a MERV 16 Filter? - An Expert's Perspective

When it comes to air filters, some environments require a MERV 16 rating. However, these are typically places like hospitals, not homes. For residential use, we recommend sticking with a MERV 13 filter. This is because it is suitable for keeping the air fresh and clean without damaging the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system.

If you want to replace the fan motor every few years, then that is your choice. The technician may be hesitant to suggest a higher MERV rating because it correlates with a lower particle count. If you can afford it and your HVAC system can handle a MERV 16 filter, then there is no reason not to get one. This is especially true if your home was built before the 1980s when asbestos-containing building materials were common, or if you live in an area prone to wildfires. The performance of a MERV 16 filter is considerably higher at the submicron level. It is important to note that if you use a higher MERV rating that traps more particles, then you may need to change the filter more often.

The MERV ratings reflect the filter's performance on all of its surfaces when considering the full spectrum of what's floating in the air in your home. As for CO and ozone, the MERV rating of a filter is irrelevant since filtering these contaminants requires a different strategy. In general terms, there is a direct correlation between the pressure drop and the MERV index (the higher the MERV, the greater the pressure drop) when comparing filters with the same dimensions, depth and fold architecture. We like that they have genuine MERV certification because unlike some patented classifications used by renowned brands, the MERV criteria are available to the public. Using an air filter with a MERV rating higher than that recommended by the boiler or air conditioner manufacturer can affect its performance. Compared to basic filters available, medium-efficiency MERV filters such as Nordic Pure MERV 12 can significantly reduce airborne dust, mold spores, pollen and even smoke.

This can help alleviate respiratory diseases according to an NIH study. All central air furnaces and air conditioning units can support MERV 16 filters; however, since they tend to be quite deep compared to traditional filters, an aftermarket housing may be necessary for installation which is not always feasible. In general, filters with a MERV rating of 16 or lower are considered suitable for air conditioning systems for residential, commercial and general hospital use. The resistance of a filter depends on several factors that are not related to its MERV rating. In most cases, a MERV 16 furnace and air conditioning filter would offer twice the efficiency of a MERV 13 filter at the submicrometer level. We believe that manufacturers' concerns are somewhat cautious due to recent innovations in air filters that allow for high MERV ratings (11 to 1) with low pressure drop. As an expert in SEO optimization, I recommend using a MERV 16 filter if you can afford it and your HVAC system can handle it. This type of filter offers superior performance at trapping particles in comparison to lower rated filters.

It also helps reduce airborne dust, mold spores, pollen and smoke which can help alleviate respiratory diseases according to an NIH study. However, keep in mind that using this type of filter may require changing it more often than lower rated ones.

Alison Oliveria
Alison Oliveria

Total tv buff. Devoted beer geek. Hardcore twitter geek. Award-winning twitter fan. Extreme pop culture fanatic. Professional explorer.

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